Deep Tech Canada
出展展示会  :  nano tech 2025
小間番号  :  5U-02
出展ゾーン  :  その他:主催者特別展示
出展パビリオン  :  ディープテックゾーン
共同出展者  :  Anomera / Applied Quantum Materials Inc.  / BioAro Inc. / Brilliant Matters Inc. / 在京カナダ大使館 / C-Therm Technologies Ltd / Government of Alberta, Jobs, Economy and Trade / IntlVac Thin Film / NanoOntario / National Research Council of Canada / National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC IRAP) / Norcada / Performance BioFilaments / PolyAnalytik / University of Calgary - Faculty of Science / Zero to One Strategic

Growing Canada’s Deep Tech Community

We're a non-profit aiming to make Canada a leader in addressing pressing global challenges through innovative collaboration. We pursue high-impact opportunities, develop world-class projects, and provide insights to shape Canadian policy in various sectors. Our community of innovators, investors, and experts harnesses global expertise and resources to drive innovation, transforming industries and tackling global challenges.




企業名  :  Deep Tech Canada
住所  :  250 Karl Clark Road, Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6N 1E4
URL  :