Yamagata University Innovation Center for Organic Electronics
Exhibition  :  nano tech 2024
Booth  :  4L-23
Zone  :  Public Organizations / University / Labs / Overseas Pavilion
  • Demo
  • Sample

From dreams to business

From dreams to business
Demonstration research institute for cutting-edge technology in the field of organic electronics
In six areas: organic EL, organic transistors, organic solar cells, flexible technology, inkjet, and power storage devices, we are actively developing fundamental technologies for industrialization and collaborating with companies to commercialize the results. doing.

Product / Technology Information


*The following information is provided to enable inquiries to exhibitors.
Unauthorized use and reproduction for any other purpose is prohibited.

Company  :  Yamagata University Innovation Center for Organic Electronics
Innovation Center for Organi Electtronics
Address  :  Yamagata University Innovation Center for Organic Electronics, 1-808-48 Arcadia Yonezawa, Yamagata Japan 9920119
TEL  :  0238-29-0578
URL  :  https://inoel.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/