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- 【Special Symposium】 Nanotechnology and infectious diseases
Development of Practical Delivery Systems for mRNA-based Vaccines
Prof. Kazunori KATAOKAKawasaki Institute of Industrial Promotion/The University of Tokyo
Innovation Center of NanoMedicine/Institute for Future Initiatives
Director General/Project Professor -
Preventing the severity of COVID-19 by nanotechnology and AI
Prof. Keisuke GodaUniversity of Tokyo / University of California, Los Angeles / Wuhan University
Professor / Adjunct Professor / Adjunct Professor -
Highly pathogenic virus detection using high sensitive graphene FET
Prof. Kazuhiko MATSUMOTOInstitute of Scientific and Industrial Reseach -
Diagnostic system of infection diseases based on nanopores
Prof. Masateru TANIGUCHIThe Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University
Professor -
Current status and issues for pharmaceutical companies to tackle the infectious diseases
Dr. Yoshinori YAMANOShionogi & Co., Ltd.
Pharmaceutical Research Division
Chief scientific officer for infectious diseases -
Mr. Yui MUGURUMA - 【Special Symposium】 Measurement Informatics
Integration of olfactory sensor "MSS" and machine learning toward artificial olfaction
Dr. Genki YOSHIKAWANational Institute for Materials Science (NIMS)
Olfactory Sensors Group, Center for Functional Sensor & Actuator (CFSN), Research Center for Functional Materials
Group Leader -
Optimized experiment and automated data analysis for material science
Prof. Kanta ONOHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) -
Informatics for EELS/XAFS ~Innovation in spectrum analysis by machine learning~
Prof. Teruyasu MizoguchiThe University of Tokyo
Institute of Industrial Science
Professor - 【Special Symposium】 5G
Development of Low Dk/Df Material for 5G Application
Mr. Naoyuki KAWASHIMAJSR Corporation -
Surface Functionalization and Control of Functional Interface by Surface Photochemical Modification and Nanocoating Technology - Application to Advanced Dissimilar Joint for 5G FPC Materials -
Dr. Takako NAKAMURANational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Advanced Coating Technology Research Center, Photo-Assisted Coating Team
Team Leader - 【Special Symposium】 Biodegradable Plastics Technology
To realize KAITEKI; Sustainable Materials and our Activities for Circular Economy
Ms. Yumiko SAEKIMitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Advanced Polymers Planning Domain,
Manager -
Development of KANEKA Biodegradable Polymer PHBH
Green Planet Project Global Planning & Marketing
Regulatory Affairs Mnager - 【Special Symposium】 Nanotechnology with New Social Pioneer of a New Era
Revolutional synthesis of peptides
Lewis acid synthsisProf. Hisashi YAMAMOTOChubu University
Frontea Research Center
Professor and Director -
Hidden power of abundant elements
Prof. Hideo HOSONOTokyo Institute of Technology
Materials Reserach Center for Element Strategy
Director, Institute Professor -
Can we visualize electron behaviours by electrons? -Challenges of electron microscopy-
Prof. Naoya SHIBATAThe University of Tokyo -
Nanotechnology for the Future; Discussion
- Traybology Seminer 「Tribology test that contributes to the manufacturing industry」
Tribology test that contributes to the manufacturing industry
Tribology Corner
- SURTECH 2021 Industry Seminar
Due to climate change and corona, the automobile industry is required to transform without waiting
Dr. Fujimura ToshioAichi Institute of Technology
Faculty of Engineering
Visiting Professor -
Properties of radio wave transmissive metallic films and electromagnetic wave shielding plated films for automobiles and their ISO standard development
Dr. Fujiwara YutakaOsaka Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (Retired) -
Environment Friendly Automotive decoration processing for the next generation (Dichromate alternative technology)
Mr. YASUHI UMEDAKanto gakuin University
Materials and Surface Engineering Research Institute
- Special Symposium: MEMS Next Generation Technology Forum
Mr. Junya NishimotoAzbil Corporation -
MEMS for Brain and Five Senses
Prof. Norihisa MikiKeio University
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Professor -
Sensor management in the age of "Trillion Sensors"
Dr. Makoto FujimakiNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Sensing System Research Center (SSRC)
Deputy Director -
Mr. Hiroyuki WadoMIRISE Technologies
- Coming soon!
Deep UV-LED in the fight against novel coronavirus - Inactivation of coronavirus with deep UV-LED -
Dr. Takeo MinamikawaTokushima University
Institute of Post-LED Photonics
Associate Professor -
About the future strategy of the first domestically produced UV irradiation robot "UV Buster"
Mr. Kazuki IimuraFarmroid Co.,Ltd./Nihon University -
Mr. Shinji Mitsuya -
Mr. HirakawaShikoh Tech
- TCT Japan Conference Day 1【AM GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES】
Opening Remark
Duncan WoodRapid News Publications
AM Global Trends & Adoption
Ms. Laura GriffithsRapid News Group
TCT Magazine
Head of Content -
3D Printing of advanced metal : Strategies and applications
Prof. Yeong Wai YeeNanyang Technological University
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Professor -
The impact of AM on the geographies of production: what is the future role of Asia in global supply chains?
Dr. Jennifer JohnsUniversity of Bristol
School of Management
Reader in International Business -
Kansai-3D technology Project, feasibility study of the additive manufacturing process
Ms. TOSHIKO TANIGAWAKansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry
Next-Generation Industry Division
Assistant manager -
Building Community in the AM Industry
The global movement, "Women in 3D Printing"Ms. Aska MasuokaWomen in 3D Printing
Tokyo Ambassador - TCT Japan Conference Day 2
J3DPA Introduction
Mr. Tsukasa MatsuokaJapan 3D Printing Industorial Technology Association
Managing Director -
Mobile robot technologies and era with-corona to AM
Prof. Takashi TSUBOUCHIUniversity of Tsukuba
Faculty of System and Information Engineering
Professor -
Utilization and concept of 3D printers in robot development
- Manufacturing Industry Strategies and DX for Surviving the New Normal
Keynote Speech : The Japanese manufacturing industry will drive the economy in the post-corona era
Mr. Wataru IzumiyaSangyo Times
President & CEO -
Digital Transformation for the manufacturing industry within a new normal
Mr. Kota ImazakiInformation-technology Promotion Agency, Japan -
Introduction of production spot FactryDX under COVID-19
Mr. Hiroshi MatsumotoToppan Printing
- Antibacterial / Antiviral
SIAA certification activities for antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral approaches to creating comfortable, hygienic environments
Mr. Susumu HiranumaThe Society of International sustaining growth for Antimicrobial Articles -
Mr. Sadaharu EnokidaMS&AD InterRisk Research & Consulting
Risk Engineering & Corporate Risk Sec. Kansai Branchi
Manager, Senior Consultant - Material Design / Development Simulation
Trends and prospects in materials informatics.
Dr. Koichiro KatoKyushu University
Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate school of Engineering
Associate Professor -
Practical Application of Materials Informatics in NIPPON SHOKUBAI
Data Science & Informatics Promotion Office Innovation & Business Development Division
Project Manager - Green Recovery and Smart Plastics
Keynote Speech : Bioplastics: Latest trends in a world living with COVID-19
Mr. Takeshi KanetakaTotal Corbion PLA b.v. Japan Representative Office
Representative -
Foamed PLA sheet developed with RICOH original foaming technology
Mr. Hideyuki YamaguchiRicoh
Neo-Material Business Development Department, CT&P Division
Department Manager -
Environmentally friendly packaging for convenience stores
Mr. Hisao SatoMitsubishi Corporation Packaging
Ready-Meal Solution Dept.
- Latest in Bio-sensing for Supporting Medical and Nursing Care Settings in the New Normal
Keynote Speech :Tele-ICU for critically ill patients in an era with COVID-19
Prof. Masamitsu SanuiJichi Medical University Saitama Medical Center -
Next Generation Wearable Device based on Biofuel Cell
Prof. Isao ShitandaTokyo University of Science
Faculty of Science and Technology
Associate Professor -
Japan Display's new device technologies for medical and healthcare applications
Mr. Yoshiharu NakajimaJapan Display -
Healthcare as a Service (HaaS) and Smart Hospitals
Dr. Shintaro OyamaNagoya University Hospital
Medical IT Center
Assistant Professor
- Decoration Technology and Design
Keynote Speech : The current status and future prospects for surface decoration technology: Decoration technologies for creating high value-added products and a direction for the future
Mr. Tatsuo ItoThe Association of Decoration Technology / KURIMOTO -
Architecture and Interior Design for a Sustainable Future
Mr. Eiji ShiromotoparkERs
Creative Director -
What is the added value of texture? - UX perspective and surface decoration -
Mr. Kosuke KinoshitaLoftwork
ProducerMs. Kaori AkiyamaSTUDIO BYCOLOR
- Sustainable Session<Water3>Water Risk Countermeasures in the ESG Era -Raising Awareness of Climate Change and Disasters
Trends in Corporate Disclosure of Water Security
Mr. Takuya HaradaCDP Worldwide-Japan -
Tokyo Gas Group's Initiatives for Climate Change and Water Risk
Mr. Hiroyuki SagawaTokyo Gas CO., LTD.
SDGs & communication Sect. Sustainability Dept.
Manager -
Hitachi’s initiatives to build a society that uses water efficiently
Mr. Yasuyuki IwaizonoHitachi, Ltd. - Sustainable Session<Water1> Wastewater treatment toward decarbonization on factories and facilities
Current status of energy saving in wastewater treatment facilities of factories
Mr. Hisafumi OjimaThe Energy Conservation Center, Japan
Energy Conservation Solution Department
Carbonization of sludge by catalytic decomposition
Mr. AKIHISA OKUDAAct Environment CO., LTD.
Director -
cost reduction of wastewater treatment Sludge reduction agent "Soles"
Mr. Hibino KatsunoriDrico CO., LTD. - Sustainable Session<Water2> Smarter water treatment realized by AI / IoT technology
Productivity improvement by analyzing the relationship between water quality and factory operation using S.sensing®
Mr. Hiroki KatsuraKurita Water Industries Ltd. - The latest trends in smart water supply
METI's policy for digital transformation for the Japanese society including utilizing massive data in water infrastructure
Mr. Takefumi TanabeMinistry of Economy, Trade and Industry -
Mr. Kazuya KumagaiMinistry of Health, Labour and Welfare -
The water supply standard platform in the water supply information utilization system
Mr. Nobuyuki OikawaJECC Corporation
Director in charge of Sales Management Division Water Supply Platform Promotion Department
General remarks Overview of using factory waste heat How to use industrial heat pumps
Application Examples of Heat Recovery-type Heat Pump and Modular-type Air-cooled Heat Pump for Industrial Use
Mr. Kunio MuroiToshiba Carrier Corporation
Sales Engineering Department, System Engineering Center
Senior Manager -
Let's create together! IoT smart house.
Dr. ISSHIKI MasaoKanagawa Institute of Technology -
Introduction of Sekisui Smart House with enhanced resilience function
Mr. masato ootaSekisui Chemical Co.,Ltd. -
Introduce of After FIT Electrical menu "SUNKYU Plan"
Mr. Yamano KenjiPPS OITA Co.,Ltd

Innovation Center of NanoMedicine/Institute for Future Initiatives
Director General/Project Professor
mRNA-based vaccines can be facilely designed, and have been extensively investigated against COVID-19. Here, we are developing a mRNA-based nano-vaccine inducing strong cell-mediated immunity against SARS-CoV2. The nano-vaccine consists of polymeric micellar delivery carriers (micelles) loaded with mRNA partially possessing double-stranded RNA structures. Duet to this partially double-stranded mRNA structure, it induces the strong immunostimulatory effect of mRNA itself, and accordingly works without the use of adjuvants (adjuvant-free vaccine) [Biomaterials 150, 162-170 (2018)]. Micelles can safely and efficiently introduce mRNA into the administration site, and their safety has also been demonstrated in non-human primates [J. Control. Release 167, 238-247 (2013)]. Intramuscular and intradermal administration of this nano-vaccine elicited an effective cellular immune-inducing activity, demonstrating its promising utility in clinical setteings.#Antibacterial/ Antiviral etc
ProfileDr. Kazunori Kataoka is the Director General of Innovation Center of NanoMedicine (iCONM), Kawasaki Institute of Industrial Promotion, and Professor at Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo. He received his Ph.D. (1979) in Polymer Chemistry from The University of Tokyo. He started his academic career at Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Tokyo Women’s Medical College as Assistant Professor (1979). He joined Department of Materials Engineering, Tokyo University of Science in 1989 as Associate Professor and was promoted to full Professor in 1994. He moved to Department of Materials Engineering, The University of Tokyo in 1998 as full Professor. He was appointed joint-position of full Professor at Center for Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine, The University of Tokyo Medical School in 2004. In 2016, he moved to the current position. He has received several scientific awards, including the Clemson Award from the Society for Biomaterials, USA (2005), the Founder’s Award from the Controlled Release Society (2008), Humboldt Research Award (2012), Leo Esaki Prize (2012), and Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund Prize (2017). He has been elected as a Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and as a Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors (NAI) since 2017. In 2018, he was installed Doctor Honoris Causa (Dr.h.c.) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany.

Professor / Adjunct Professor / Adjunct Professor
#Antibacterial/ Antiviral etc

We will introduce a technology for highly sensitive detection of highly pathogenic viruses using graphene field effect transistors (FETs).
Graphene has an extremely high mobility of 200,000 cm2 / Vs, which is 100 to 1,000 times higher than that of the present silicon semiconductors, and has a special property that two-dimensional electron gas is localized on its surface. Due to this characteristic, graphene has the property that the electrical transmission characteristics due to the adsorption of substances on its surface change extremely. We have succeeded in developing a unique technology that efficiently modifies various receptor molecules that selectively bind to viruses by pai-pai interaction on the graphene surface. As a result, we have established a technology that can selectively detect influenza viruses and antibodies. This technology is a wide range of technologies that can be applied to the detection of new coronavirus and other viruses by converting the receptor.
#Antibacterial/ Antiviral etc

#Antibacterial/ Antiviral etc

Pharmaceutical Research Division
Chief scientific officer for infectious diseases
#Antibacterial/ Antiviral etc

Olfactory Sensors Group, Center for Functional Sensor & Actuator (CFSN), Research Center for Functional Materials
Group Leader


Institute of Industrial Science
Core loss spectroscopy observed by X-ray/electron, XAFS/EELS, is a powerful spectroscopic method with high spatial resolution, temporal resolution, and excellent detection sensitivity, and is widely used in catalysis and battery developments. Recently, however, due to instrumental developments, such as automated measurement technology, the amount of data acquired in one experiment is rapidly increasing. In such a situation, the conventional "human-driven spectrum analysis", in which theoretical calculations are individually performed to analyze each of such a huge number of spectra, is quite difficult. We are now developing a "data-driven spectrum analysis method" using machine learning. In the presentation, we are going to talk about recent research results such as acceleration of the spectrum calculation and prediction of materials property using machine learnings.
Teruyasu Mizoguchi is a professor in Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo. He received PhD from Kyoto University in 2002. From 2002~2005, he has been a postdoctoral researcher at Kyoto University, The University of Tokyo, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. He became a research assistant in Institute of Engineering Innovation, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo in 2005 and an assistant professor in 2007. He moved to Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo in December 2009, as an associate professor and became a professor in January 2019. His research interest is investigating structure-property relationships of materials using atomic resolution electron microscopy and spectroscopy (STEM-EELS), first principles simulations, and machine learning.
Advanced Coating Technology Research Center, Photo-Assisted Coating Team
Team Leader
We have developed a simple and useful process for fabricating functional polymer and carbon materials modified with a variety of functionalities by surface photochemical modifications. The introduction of the functional moieties on the surface of these materials showed an improvement of their original properties while maintaining the bulk properties of polymer and carbon materials. We will also report on the nanocoating technology for the control of surface and interface functionality and for an application to joining of dissimilar materials with high joint strength for 5G FPC.
Doctor of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo (1993)
Researcher, National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research, 1993-1997
Senior Researcher, National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research, 1997-2001
Senior Researcher, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2001-2016
Visiting Scientist, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics, 2011
Chief Senior Researcher, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2016-2020
Team Leader, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 2020-present

Advanced Polymers Planning Domain,
I would like introduce our various sustainable materials including Biomass and Biodegradable polymer BioPBS and Biomass and High performance polymer DURABIO and also our Activity for Circular Economy.

Green Planet Project Global Planning & Marketing
Regulatory Affairs Mnager
The issue of marine pollution of plastic products released into the environment due to improper treatment is being watched internationally. Efforts for countermeasures are becoming more active. Kaneka Biodegradable Polymer PHBH is a 100% bio-based polymer produced by biosynthesis of biomass, such as plant oils, with microorganisms. It can be processed and molded to be used in various applications. PHBH has an excellent biodegradability. It decomposes into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water in natural environments such as in soil and in seawater. Kaneka contributes to the realization of a sustainable and environmental friendly society through the development of biodegradable polymer PHBH.
#Material #Eco-friendly/Energy
Lewis acid synthsis

Frontea Research Center
Professor and Director
Peptide synthesis depends on Merrifield solid synthesis which have several problems includinig low purity, high price and mg quantity. We solved these problems and open a new door to make peptide for future drugs.
BS of Kyoto University and PhD of Harvard University
Toray Insituture, Kyoto U. U. of Hawaii, Nagoya Univ., U.of Chicago,
and Chubu Univ.

Materials Reserach Center for Element Strategy
Director, Institute Professor
The number of elements on periodic table is only ~100 and the practically useful number is limited to 60-70. This is the constraint for materials research which is required to have new functionality useful for sustainable society. It is a grand challenge for materials scientists to resolve this tough issue by new science and technology. In this talk I introduce several examples out of our research, i.e. electro-conducting cement, high temperature superconductors based on iron, and rare metal-free catalysts for green ammonia synthesis.

#Material #Test/Measurement

#Test/Measuremen #Eco-friendly/Energy

Faculty of Engineering
Visiting Professor
The spread of the coronavirus caused more damage to the economy than the Lehman shock, and many people died. On the other hand, the beautiful earth has returned due to environmental improvement, and CO2 reduction is predicted by 8% in 2020 compared to last year. Many people have recognized how human economic activity has hurt the earth. Also, global warming and viruses are not unrelated. If the Arctic permafrost melts, unknown viruses will emerge on the surface. The weight of environmental improvement is expanding toward the realization of a sustainable society, and with this corona as an opportunity, all industries have to make a transformation aiming to achieve both environmental improvement and economic growth.
Here, I will explain the vehicle electrification scenario that should be pursued in the automobile industry, and the direction and strategy that should be aimed at MaaS and smart city, without being bound by the conventional framework of automobile manufacturing.
#Material #Eco-friendly/Energy #Automobile #5G/DX #Antibacterial/Antiviral etc
Completed the master's program at the Graduate School of Engineering, Okayama University in 1980. Joined Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. Engaged in newly developed engine, functional parts design, and control technology development for 31 years at the head office engineering department. In 2004, he became a first-class manager, promoting technological development of engines in the future and formulating technical scenarios. Since 2011, he has been in charge of lectures on thermodynamics, mechanical design engineering, etc. as a professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology. Since April 2018, he has been a visiting professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Aichi Institute of Technology, and at the same time, he has been an advisor, consulting, and lecturer for automobile-related companies.

#Automobile #Test/Measurement #5G/Digital

Materials and Surface Engineering Research Institute
#Material #Eco-friendly/Energy #Automobile

Department of Mechanical Engineering
A wide variety of applications, such as intuitive user interface, tactile communication, human state monitoring, communication assessment, and promotion of prosocial activities, are enabled by the information from brain and five senses. The good interface between human and devices is crucial for such applications, which MEMS technologies can greatly contribute using its small, light-weight, and low invasive nature. In this presentation, I introduce several MEMS devices including EEG electrodes and tactile display with an emphasis on the applications.
ProfileNorihisa Miki received Ph.D. in mechano-informatics from University of Tokyo in 2001. Then, he worked at MIT microengine project as a posdoc, later as a research engineer. He joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Keio University in 2004 as an assistant professor and became a full professor in 2017. His current research fields range from Biomedical devices to MEMS-based human interface devices. He also has a strong interest in ethics and education. He co-founded a healthcare startup, LTaste Inc., in 2017. He is the chair of the committee for international affairs of Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University. He is in charge of Keio Skating Association. He loves sports, especially skating and American football, cuban music and dance, fishing, and tropical fish.

Sensing System Research Center (SSRC)
Deputy Director
The "Trillion Sensors Initiative" was launched in the United States in 2013 with the aim of realizing a society that uses 1 trillion sensors. IoT is the basis of the argument that such a huge number of sensors will be implemented in society. To realize such a society, sensor technology, network technology, and analysis technology such as AI technology has been developed. However, in order to truly implement such many sensors in society, technology from a different perspective will be required. For example, it is necessary to develop technology for problems such as whether the sensor is operating normally, whether it is outputting fake data due to a malicious attack, whether it has been replaced with a fake, and how to dispose of sensors that are no longer necessary. In addition, installation technology and power supply technology for installing sensors everywhere are also required. In this lecture, I will introduce our way of thinking and examples of efforts to address these issues.
ProfileMakoto Fujimaki is a deputy director of SSRC and a team leader of Biological Substance Detection Team of SSRC. He completed the doctoral course at Waseda University in 1998. Doctor (Engineering). Engaged in research of optical communication devices at Waseda University and Montreal University in the Research Fellowships of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for Young Scientist. Engaged in development of power electronics devises and optical communication elements at the Electrotechnical Laboratory as Domestic Research Fellow, Japan Science and Technology Corporation. After serving as an associate professor of Waseda University, joined AIST in 2004. Works on the development of biosensing technology using optics.

Institute of Post-LED Photonics
Associate Professor
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Novel coronavirus has been spreading all over the world at a critical level. There is still no prospect of convergence of infection even after about one year of the first outbreak. Therefore, countermeasures against the novel coronavirus become a global issue. Our research group try to deal against the novel coronavirus by using deep UV-LEDs. In this talk, our efforts for the novel coronavirus inactivation with deep UV-LEDs will present.
ProfilePh.D. from Osaka University, Japan, in 2010. JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists from 2011 to 2013. Assistant Professor of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine from 2013 to 2015. Associate Professor of Tokushima University from 2015. JST PRESTO Researcher (concurrent position) from 2017, and Visiting Associate Professor in Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (concurrent position) from 2015.

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Duncan Wood has been Chief Executive Officer of Rapid News Communications Group since 2017.Duncanhas over 23 yearsexperiencein publishing starting with Miller Freeman (now UBM) in 1996.He joined Rapid News originally in 1997 as a Sales Manager on Rapid News Magazine, taking a lead role on the magazine and the TCT Show through to 2002. Between 2002-2005 he worked with Nottingham based QMJ Publishing and as Sales Manager for then start-up Pure Insight, a provider of professional development solutions to help Innovation. In 2005 after a successful stint in this role he returned to Rapid News to take up the role of Director of Sales across the TCT portfolio. He was appointed to board in 2008, taking the role of Managing Director of the Events Division in 2010 and in early 2012 was appointed Chief Operating Officer. He holds a bachelor's degree in Business Studies from the University of Portsmouth.
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
3D printing is an integral part of Industry 4.0. With the advancement in this field, there are new opportunities in design and manufacturing of functional metal products in many high value industries, including aerospace, biomedical, automotive and defence. This talk will give an overview of advanced metal research in the Singapore Centre for 3D Printing, showcasing our latest achievement in creating new metal alloy via laser melting, 3D printing of multi-metals , latest simulation of metal printing processes and the promise of machine learning in 3D metal printing. We will share on the strategies, applications, and the future outlook of 3D printing of metal.

School of Management
Reader in International Business
Dr. Jennifer Johns’ interdisciplinary research interests are primarily concerned with network approaches to economic development, entrepreneurship and innovation. She has joined Bristol as a Reader in International Business, having previously worked at the University of Liverpool Management School and the University of Manchester.
Jennifer's PhD, obtained from the School of Geography, University of Manchester, examined the agglomeration and production networks of the film and television industries in the North West of England. Whilst studying and working at the University of Manchester Jennifer collaborated on two large ESRC projects on Global Production Networks. The first was the foundational GPN project, the second examined the internationalisation of temporary staffing firms.
Since then Jennifer has continued work on creative industries, focusing on the power relations between network actors and the causes and outcomes of precarity in creative work. She has also conducted empirical research on FabLabs (digital fabrication spaces) in Manchester, London and Barcelona, investigating the use of these spaces by entrepreneurs.
Jennifer's current research focuses on technological change and innovation in global production networks and governance and transparency in supply chains.

Next-Generation Industry Division
Assistant manager
In order to respond to the mass production utilizing 3D additive manufacturing that is accelerating globally, Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry has launched the Kansai-3D technology Project in january 2019 in collaboration with a private organization.
This project build a wide-area network of industry, academia and government, support equipment installation and technology development, and create new models of manufacturing innovation in various fields.
This time, introduce the achievements and new approach of this project.
The global movement, "Women in 3D Printing"

Tokyo Ambassador
Women in 3D Printing is a global organization dedicated to promoting, supporting, and inspiring women who are using Additive Manufacturing technologies. Founded in 2014 in San Francisco, the United States, and we have over 65 chapters in 24 countries. We are featuring women who are contributing to the industry as well as building a strong community by providing meetings via our global network of chapters.
ProfileAska Masuoka has worked as a sales of 3D printers (Stratasys, Desktop Metal and MakerBot) at Marubeni Information Systems Co., Ltd. She was transferred to Silicon Valley office, where she was immersed into Open Innovation culture and joined Women in 3D Printing community. As she came back to Japan in 2019, she became Tokyo Ambassador of Women in 3D Printing. Her role is to build the community by providing meetings and to help the industry to be more diverse and connected.

Managing Director
In recent years, the use of 3D printing technology in robotics has become remarkable. For example, by using parts that have a shape unique to 3D printers, it is possible to achieve movements that could not be achieved with parts created by conventional methods. Another example is that in the process of developing a robot, which previously required a long development period, a rapid prototype using a 3D printer was used to speed up the design, evaluation, and modification cycles to shorten the development period. On the other hand, in the recent situation of corona sickness, there are many situations where contactless is required from the viewpoint of preventing infectious diseases. In many cases, such as catering services, physical delivery of goods and contact with people occur, and solutions by applying robotics are required.
Therefore, we will invite experts to introduce the relationship between robot technology and 3D printing, and examples of its use in non-contact services.
Graduated from the Department of Control Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University in 1984. After joining Ricoh Co., Ltd. in 1990, participated in the development of Solid Modeler DESIGN BASE. Participated in research and development of free-form surfaces such as NURBS. After that, he was in charge of developing various systems such as the high-speed and lightweight 3D viewer Twister. In 2018, he passed the SME Examination and started his career as a diagnostician. In 2019, he participated in the Japan 3D Printing Industrial Technology Association and is engaged in overseas trend surveys and seminar planning.

Faculty of System and Information Engineering
Autonomous mobile robot technology mainly supports wheel-type robots that have the ability to move autonomously in indoor and outdoor environment. While preventing human-to-human contact as much as possible against spread of infectious diseases, it is also used as an alternative to human-to-human interaction and for disinfection work in public places. This leads attracting attention now. The speaker has been involved in the development of mobile robot technology for many years, and has a track record of industrial application of this technology. In this lecture, the speaker will focus on the self-position estimation and map creation, which are the core technologies related to mobile robots. Also he will describe the needs and prospects for technological applications. In addition, the current state of mobile robot technology and examples of research that the speaker has conducted so far with videos will be presented. Expectations for future technology will also be presented.

President & CEO
#5G/Digital Transformation
#5G/Digital Transformation
#5G/Digital Transformation

#Material #Test/Measurement #Antibacterial/ Antiviral etc
Risk Engineering & Corporate Risk Sec. Kansai Branchi
Manager, Senior Consultant
#Antibacterial/ Antiviral etc

Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate school of Engineering
Associate Professor
#Test/Measurement #Material

Data Science & Informatics Promotion Office Innovation & Business Development Division
Project Manager
#Material #Test/Measurement

#Material #Eco-friendly/Energy

Neo-Material Business Development Department, CT&P Division
Department Manager
Environmental problems caused by marine waste plastics are grabbing media attention globally, and the importance of converting to alternative materials is increasing. PLA is carbon neutral, which means that when incinerated, it does not add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere; it also decomposes into water and carbon dioxide under certain conditions, such as when composted.
Ricoh is developing a foaming technology for 100% plant-derived polylactic acid (PLA) to realize a zero-carbon and circular economy society. Strength and suppleness characterize the material that finely foamed PLA using Ricoh’s proprietary supercritical CO2-foaming technology.
We will introduce prototype equipment to demonstrate the flexibility, durability, and biodegradability of foamed PLA sheets and its cost performance. Ricoh will enter the new fields of business and provide eco-friendly materials.
#Material #Eco-friendly/Energy
In 1989, he joined RICOH Co. Ltd. His specialty is chemical engineering for printing supplies (ex. Toner). He experienced engineering manager at the U.K. factory and contributed to toner manufacturing especially for 3R activities in EU and enhancing automation and digitalization. Back in 2017, engaged in Technology Planning Manager of Chemical Technology & Products Division and focused on new business development.

Ready-Meal Solution Dept.
While the CVS market is growing rapidly, what kind of changes did ready-meal containers and packaging make in terms of environmental friendliness? In this lecture, a lecturer who has been engaging at the CVS ready-meal market for numerous years will be explaining the transition to environmental friendliness and future prospects of CVS containers and packaging by using abundant data, images, and actual containers. He will also introduce specific examples of how to reduce plastic use, bioplastics, recycled materials, paper containers, and long life products to prevent food losses.
#Material #Eco-friendly/Energy
In 1988, he joined The Seibu Department Stores, Ltd., Packaging Division. During the early days of the CVS industry, he engaged in the development of containers, packaging materials and supply system. In 1999, he started working at Mitsubishi Corporation Packaging Ltd. He continuously engaged in the development of packaging for CVS meals. After 4 years, in 2003, he joined ITOCHU PLASTICS INC. He mainly worked on product researches, development of the searching system, marketing, and development of CVS containers. He returned to his current position at Mitsubishi Corporation Packaging Ltd. since September 2018.

#5G/Digital Transformation #Antibacterial/ Antiviral etc

Faculty of Science and Technology
Associate Professor
We have developed self-driving wearable devices (healthcare system) equipped with a biofuel cell. A self-driving wearable device is a mechanism that, for example, reacts lactate in sweat with an enzyme in a biofuel cell to extract electric power, and uses this electric power to send a signal from a transmitter. It has both functions as a power source and a sensor.
In the above case, the power of the biofuel cell depends on the lactate concentration, so the lactate concentration can be measured from the power value. It can also be applied to glucose monitoring by replacing the enzyme. It is expected to be applied to heat stroke and health management of athletes.
In this talk, I will talk about screen printing, biofuel cells, and biosensors, and then introduce the devices developed by the authors for body fluid power generation / body fluid sensing.
Thin film transistor (TFT) technology enables us to form transistor circuits on the glass substrate or sheet/flexible substrate. The technology is widely used for the backplane in liquid crystal displays (LCDs) and organic light emitted diode (OLED) displays. Japan Display (JDI) has so far realized various new displays using the technology. In this seminar, some new display technologies of JDI for medical and healthcare applications are introduced. In addition, some new sensor devices of JDI using the TFT technology are discussed.
1990-2011: Sony Corporation, engaged in development of system-on-glass technology using TFT circuit. Achieved commercialization of driver circuit fully integrated display in 2002, in-cell touch panel in 2011. 2012-now: Japan Display, currently CTO and head of R&D division.

Medical IT Center
Assistant Professor
Japan being in the forefront nation of the declining birthrate, aging population and limitation of medical resources. Changing the high-cost medical structure is urgent, and it is therefore necessary to streamline, decentralize, make high-throughput, and reduce costs of medical services without degrading the quality of care. Under our 'Smart Hospital' concept, Nagoya University Hospital is promoting the introduction of successful cases in other industries into medical fields through academic-industry cooperation. In the society of HaaS (Healthcare as a Service), we can use limited medical resources effectively and achieve maximum efficiency by making flexible use of all resources in the process through 'mibyo' (pre-disease) state to disease treatment and recurrence prevention, like MaaS (Mobility as a Service) in transportation. In this lecture, I would like to report on our efforts to realize a HaaS society, and also share our technical aspects and issues.
Education:~2007 B.S. Medicine/M.D. Nagoya Univ. / 2013-2017 Ph.D. Medicine
Research Theme: 2013~ Near-Infrared Hyperspectrrum Image Processing in medical use / 3D Prinitable Artificial Bone, 2017~ Dx in medical fields (Medical Informatics), Medical IoT / Medical AIs

Various decoration technologies have been developed and applied to plastic parts such as automobiles, home appliances, and miscellaneous goods for the purpose of improving the surface texture. In particular, in recent years, the development of film decoration technology that can obtain high texture and high added value by adding functions has been progressing. In the future, further evolution is required to meet future needs (advanced driving support, sustainable, resilient, etc.). In this lecture, we will explain the outline, features, and applications of the latest decoration technology, and look at future trends in decoration technology.
Joined Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. in 1992 and has been engaged in planning, development, and mass production start-up of new decoration technology for automobile interior and exterior parts for 25 years. After working for NISSHA Co., Ltd. for two years from 2017, he established D Plus F Lab in 2020 and started disseminating information on plastic molding technology and decoration technology. In addition, Kurimoto Co., Ltd., to which we currently belong, is supporting trial production / small-quantity production of decorations. At the same time, as a director of The Association of Decoration Technology, he also carries out activities to promote exchange and development of the decoration industry.

Creative Director
#Material #Eco-friendly/Energy



#Eco-friendly/Energy #Test/Measurement
SDGs & communication Sect. Sustainability Dept.
#Eco-friendly/Energy #Test/Measurement
Hitachi will resolve environmental issues and achieve both a higher QoL and a sustainable society through its Social Innovation Business in collaborative creation with its stakeholders. We also aim to achieve a decarbonized society, a resource-efficient society, and a harmonized society with nature-the components of a sustainable society-in accordance with this vision.
To realize a resource-efficient society, we will help build a society that uses water and other resources efficiently with our customers and society. Therefore, we set a FY 2050 target of improving the usage efficiency of water and other resources by 50% compared to FY 2010 levels in its group, and have been steadily promoting environmental activities to achieve the target.
We received an A for water security from the CDP in 2019 based on our environmental activities. We will introduce our initiatives to realize a society that uses water efficiently.
#Eco-friendly/Energy #Test/Measurement

Energy Conservation Solution Department
#Eco-friendly/Energy #Test/Measurement
#Eco-friendly/Energy #Material

Efforts to reduce the environmental burden are being made amidst the growing seriousness of the global environment. However, waste sludge and dewatered sludge from sewage treatment plants, factories, and other wastewater treatment facilities account for more than 40% of industrial waste, and while some of it is reused for composting and other purposes, most of it is incinerated and disposed of in landfills. The activated sludge method, which utilizes biological treatment for wastewater treatment, accounts for a large percentage of wastewater treatment costs for the disposal of excess sludge and dewatered sludge, and cost reduction by sludge reduction is one of the major themes.
In the lecture, the effect of sludge reduction by the activated sludge method using a naturally derived sludge reduction agent " Soles " will be explained.The following are some examples of cost reduction.
#Material #Eco-friendly/Energy

#Eco-friendly/Energy #Test/Measurement #5G/Digital Transformation

#Eco-friendly/Energy #Test/Measurement #5G/Digital Transformation
#Eco-friendly/Energy #Test/Measurement #5G/Digital Transformation

Director in charge of Sales Management Division Water Supply Platform Promotion Department
#Eco-friendly/Energy #Test/Measurement #5G/Digital Transformation