Technoble CO.,Ltd.

  • Seminar
  • New Product
  • Demo
  • Sample
  • Presentation
Booth: N11-32

Exhibit Highlights

Provide proposals of evolved upcycling initiatives,basing on the"Re:Derma & Earth Advance",winner of the Gold Award in the Environment Category at the 2021 CITE Awards.Uniquely developed active ingredients can be provided along with global compliance services including China.

Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Product 4
Product 5

Product 1 Presentation Sample Demo New Product

Active ingredient derived from pure white domestic calla lily flowers

Product 2 Presentation Sample Demo New Product

Active beauty ingredient derived from domestic apricot fruit

Product 3 Presentation Sample Demo New Product

Ingredients that greatly support wrinkle-improving medical cosmetics

Product 4 Presentation Sample Demo New Product

Concept proposal of active brightening beauty ingredients

Product 5 Presentation Sample Demo New Product

Total care with a focus on new hair-growth active ingredients

Exhibit items

Cosmetic raw-materials

Languages can communicate during the exhibition

English / Chinese

Seminar Information

Seminar 1
New knowledge that the more you use it, the more your skin will improve itself Barrier improvement effect hidden in functional ingredients derived from domestic apricot fruit.
May 17, 2023 (Wed.) 15:30-16:00
Venue: F202


Mr. Ohnishi Masaya

Seminar 2
Elegant & Sustainable What is the relationship between inflammation and moisture clarified with functional ingredients derived from pure white domestic calla lily flowers
May 18, 2023 (Thu.) 14:00-14:30
Venue: F202


Ms. Uedou Natsuka


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Unauthorized use and reproduction for any other purpose is prohibited.

Technoble CO.,Ltd.

1-6-8 Kitahorie.Nishi-ku,Osaka.Japan 550-0014, Osaka Japan 550-0014

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